Classroom Management Plan, revised
*revised from original
Classroom Management
Contact Information/ Demographics
Rebecca Blair, Secondary Special Education Teacher
Statement of Purpose
Our classroom will be a safe, positive and relaxed environment that facilitates learning. Students will actively and respectfully participate in the classroom. (Secondary, Resource Room)
Rules and Relationships
1. Be in your seat working on the bell assignment when the bell rings.
2. Be respectful of all individuals, materials and space in the classroom.
3. Be prepared by completing all assignments on time.
4. Follow all directions promptly the first time they are given.
5. Bring all necessary materials to class.
Strategies for teaching rules to students
The rules will be explicitly taught on the first day of class. They will be posted in 2 places in the classroom, on opposite walls. Each of the rules will be briefly taught using direct instruction. The class will discuss the rules together, talking about examples and non examples. They will be printed in a behavioral contract that will be signed by each of the students, after a short quiz to check for understanding of rules.
Strategies for booster sessions and reteaching
Individual rules will be retaught as deemed necessary by the teacher. Additionally, the class will periodically (two to three times per month) have short quizzes on the rules which will be worth 2 points of extra credit.
Method of informing parents of rules:
If parents attend a parent teacher meeting before school starts, rules will be explained to them then and they will receive a document which includes a letter of introduction from the teacher, a class syllabus, and a list of the rules. They will be asked to sign a list saying they have received this document. If parents do not attend this meeting, they will have this document sent home to them with students as well as a detachable page to sign saying they have received the document. If this is not feasible, parents will have these documents mailed to them.
Method of building relationships
Students will receive frequent contingent, specific praise for things they do well in the classroom. Teacher will greet students at the door and make specific accommodations for individual students where necessary. Additionally, since it is necessary to give trust in order to receive it, teacher will explain some personal background and reasons for teaching.
Teacher will hold open house before the first day of school to give parents an opportunity to get to know teacher and classroom. The teacher will communicate frequently with parents through email, phone conversations and scheduled opportunities for face to face meetings. The teacher will always praise a student first before stating any possible problems the teacher is concerned about. The teacher will send out 2 emails every day to different parents telling them something good their student did that day and make 2 phone calls a week to the same effect.
Free and Frequent
Contingent and immediate specific praise
Rules quizzes will be given as bell assignments for 5 points of extra credit two to three times per month.
*The answers will be easily obtainable from the posters of the rules that will be posted around the classroom. The quizzes will help students review rules, but they will be a positive consequence because they will reward on-time behavior by giving extra credit.
Each day, students who have followed classroom rules will receive the last 5 minutes of the class as free time.
Strong and long-term
If individual students follow rules, each month, they will have an opportunity to watch a movie in class, accompanied by the teacher bringing snacks.
At the end of each semester, if individual students follow rules, they will be given the opportunity to participate in and view a class “open mic” day in which they can share a poem, song, or other talent. Talent must be pre-approved by teacher. If students dislike this idea, they can choose between an end of semester ice cream or pizza party.
*Students will self-monitor positive and negative consequences (outlined below). The teacher will record any negative consequences to check against students' recording and self-monitoring.
First offense: Warning
Second offense: Loss of free time for day (Student will sit by teacher’s desk and work on an assignment)
Third offense: Phone call home to parents.
Fourth offense: Referral to principal
*If students lose free time more than 3 times per week 2 weeks in a row, receive more than 2 phone calls home between monthly movies, or one office referral, they will lose the privilege of participating in monthly movie. If students lose the monthly movie more than once in a row, they will lose the privilege of participating in the end of semester activity.
Data collection method:
Student: Joey Rachel Leah
Major Positive consequences
Major Negative consequences
*The formatting for this was originally a table with students names in a column across the top and major positive and negative consequences in rows beneath. It didn't show up in the blog. However, I would change this to have students' names down the side in a column with a column for each day with enough space to record major negative consequences and any major positive consequences.
*Negative consequences will be recorded by the teacher. The teacher will keep track of negative consequences by recording them as they occur. Positive consequences will be monitored by students.
Method for students to measure the consequences received
Students will record their own major positive and negative consequences. If they receive negative consequences, they will be required to write one sentence of explanation in mature, responsible language for each negative consequence they receive.
*Students will be expected to self-monitor their own behavior through adherence to rules. At the beginning of each semester, each student will be handed a calendar containing every day of the semester. The student will mark every day they receive free time at the end of class. They will also mark every month they participate in the monthly movie. At the end of the semester, these calendars will be their ticket into the end of semester activity.
Students will come into the classroom on time each day, sit in their desks and work on bell work. Teacher will greet students at door. When the bell rings, teacher will be prepared and start with housekeeping, such as announcements. Homework will be passed to the front during homework. Lesson will begin with brief review in the form of going over bell quiz, then move on to actual instruction, then to independent guided practice. Small group time with teacher will take place at horseshoe table and will rotate between students. If a crisis occurs, the principal will be called.
*Students will be pre-taught procedures for transitions at the beginning of the year/semester. They will be re-taught as necessary throughout the semester. In general, transitions between activities will occur in class as teacher teaches. If transitions require students to take out additional materials or disrupt classroom activity in other ways, including coming to the horseshoe table for small group instruction with the teacher, they will be expected to take place quietly and efficiently. Students will take out all necessary materials quietly, and they will move to different parts of the classroom as quickly as possible. This goes with the following directions rule.
Crisis plan – If a crisis occurs, the administrator will be called via intercom. If necessary, police or emergency services will be contacted via phone.
Signals – Most signals will be verbal directions. During direct teaching, signaling will consist of a verbal prompt of “Ready”, a hand drop and snap.
Hypothetical Physical layout:
I chose this layout because I wanted space for students to listen to instruction and have their own desks as well as to be able to work intensively with the teacher.
-Please see original management plan for classroom layout (below)
Cara Menghilangkan Bau Badan Dan Keringat Berlebihan
3 months ago
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